The Intro.

Writing is something that has always been therapeutic for me. I have a million unfinished diaries lying around my house and I’m always typing in my notepad on my phone. I have so much to say, but as an introvert, it can be tough sometimes.

I started because I wanted to combat my shyness, to inspire others, and maybe even, make someone laugh. Not only do I want to share some of my experiences, but I also want to talk about the issues. The things that are beyond me. Beyond Alexis.

So who is Alexis ?

She’s simply a twenty something trying to find her way. She’s college student approaching the end of her college career. Alexis is a bit of a bookworm, but she also enjoys music, food, traveling, and sight seeing.
I’ll probably be one of the most talkative introverts that you will ever meet. So join me !
Until Next Time,

S. Alexis

Author: sasmithh

A twenty something just trying to find her way.

4 thoughts on “The Intro.”

  1. Hi Alexis! Nice to meet you! I am also a (late) twenty-something trying to find my way 🙂 Excited to see your future posts. Also, your style is out of this world wonderful. Take care!


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